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About Us

As a church, we strive to be Bible Based, Spirit Led and Community focused:

Bible Based:

• Clear, accurate Biblical teaching

• Equipping & training the Saints for the work of the Ministry through:

     -Sunday school classes for children during the sermon

     -Small group Bible studies for adults during the week


Spirit Led:

• Praise & Worship in the freedom of the Spirit

• Operating in the gifts of the Spirit in our daily lives & worship services

• Emphasis on the supernatural as seen in the Book of Acts

• Prayer at every gathering


Community Focused:

• Something for the whole family  - Children, Youth, Women & Men

• Creating events to foster relationships and being a supportive community for each other though:

     -Potlucks, Men's Breakfast, Women's Events, Retreats

• An active Small Group ministry

• A Heart to Serve the Poor

• A Commitment to Church Planting Missions at home and abroad

• Unity with the whole Body of Christ

• Evangelistic Outreach - to gather people to Christ

• Being a blessing to the broader Vineyard family of churches


Our Statement of Faith

We believe in one God, the creator and King of the Universe, who exists in three persons of one substance: the father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

We believe Jesus is the Messiah, who came to earth, died on the cross for the redemption of Sinful man and rose from the grave three days later, offering eternal forgiveness and redemption for those who call upon his name. We believe Jesus is the only way to eternity in Heaven with God.

We believe in the Kingdom of God, a spiritual world where God is the King and Satan, a fallen angel is his enemy. We are "Kingdom minded," not distracted by the things of the world, but living with hopeful hearts in the current tension of the present (life on earth) and the future (life in Heaven).

We believe the Church to be the "bride of Christ," the hope for the nations, a place where people can experience God/Jesus/Holy Spirit, be transformed and give life to her community, nation and world.

For the official Vineyard USA statement of faith, click here.

Our Values

We value ministry to occur in an authentic, “naturally supernatural” way, not hyped or contrived; the way Jesus ministered to individuals in the Gospels.

We value men, women & children answering the call of God in their lives and living what God has called them to. Everyone gets to participate in the work of God at the Vineyard.

We value partnering with our community and being present at community events, including partnering with other local churches, in order to promote the unity of the spirit and the message of the gospel.

The Radical Middle Concept 
The Vineyard Movement strives to embrace the authority of the scriptures and the activity of the Spirit. While most mainline denominations identify as either spiritually "Charismatic" or spiritually "Conservative," we believe in a healthy balance of the two. The New Testament gives clear guidelines for Supernatural Works of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 14), as well as several examples of the Holy Spirit working and moving among the early church (Book of Acts). We want to bring together the best of the spiritually Conservative and Charismatic worlds.  In the “Radical Middle” we attempt to marry the life of the Spirit with solid Bible exegesis to create missionary pragmatism that fits our contemporary culture.  The chart below attempts to show the pendulum of different types of churches found world wide and how the Vineyard lands in the "radical middle." This chart is in no way an attempt to categorize any one type of church or believer. We recognize all who profess Jesus as Lord and Savior to be a fellow believer, regardless of the name above their house of worship or their traditional practice of their faith.


The Radical Middle.png
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